Agreement Examples of Sentence

Agreement Examples of Sentences

Agreement in grammar refers to the consistency between the words of a sentence with regard to their number, person, gender, and tense. Agreement is essential in clear and effective communication, as it helps to convey a message accurately and correctly. Grammatical errors in agreement can hinder the clarity and coherence of a sentence or paragraph.

Here are some examples of sentences that illustrate different types of agreement:

1. Subject-Verb Agreement:

The subject and the verb must agree in number (singular or plural) and person (first, second, or third). For example:

– The dog barks loudly. (singular subject and verb)

– The dogs bark loudly. (plural subject and verb)

– She likes to read. (singular subject and verb)

– They like to read. (plural subject and verb)

– You are my best friend. (singular subject and verb)

– You are all my best friends. (plural subject and verb)

2. Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement:

The pronoun must agree in number and gender with its antecedent (the noun it refers to). For example:

– Sarah likes to swim. She is a great swimmer. (singular antecedent and pronoun)

– The students handed in their assignments. They were all well-written. (plural antecedent and pronoun)

– The judge ruled in her favor. She was awarded the prize. (feminine antecedent and pronoun)

– The doctor examined his patient carefully. He prescribed some medicine. (masculine antecedent and pronoun)

3. Adjective-Noun Agreement:

The adjective must agree in number and gender with the noun it modifies. For example:

– The blue car is mine. (singular masculine noun and adjective)

– The red cars are mine. (plural masculine noun and adjective)

– The yellow flower is beautiful. (singular feminine noun and adjective)

– The purple flowers are beautiful. (plural feminine noun and adjective)

4. Verb Tense Agreement:

The verb tense must match the time frame in which the action occurred. For example:

– John studied for his exam yesterday. (past tense)

– Sarah is studying for her exam tomorrow. (present tense)

– They will study for their exam next week. (future tense)

In conclusion, agreement is a vital aspect of grammar that ensures clear and effective communication. By using correct agreement in sentences, you can avoid misunderstandings and convey your message accurately and effectively. Incorporate these examples into your writing to strengthen your grammatical skills.

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