Changes to Tenancy Agreements June 2019

With the end of spring and the onset of the summer, many landlords and tenants alike have started to turn their attention towards the changes that have been made to tenancy agreements in June 2019. These changes have been introduced in an effort to improve the rights and protections that are afforded to tenants, while still maintaining a fair and balanced system for landlords.

The most significant change that has been introduced in June 2019 is the abolition of the Section 21 notice. This notice is used by landlords to evict tenants without giving a specific reason. However, this change means that landlords will now have to provide a valid reason for evicting tenants.

This change has come about due to concerns that the Section 21 notice was being used as a loophole by landlords to evict tenants who were otherwise abiding by the terms of their tenancy agreements. The new regulations require landlords to provide evidence of the reason for the eviction and follow a specific process to ensure that tenants are treated fairly.

In addition to this, there have also been changes made to the rules around letting fees. From June 2019, landlords will no longer be able to charge tenants fees for things such as contract renewals, referencing or inventories. The only fees that will be allowed are rent, deposits, and a capped level of default fees.

These changes have been introduced in order to make renting more affordable and accessible for tenants, who have often been hit with a range of unexpected fees and charges during the renting process. This will likely help to make renting more attractive to those who may have previously been put off by the cost of these charges.

Finally, there have also been changes made around the minimum length of tenancy agreements. From June 2019, landlords will be required to offer tenancies of at least six months in duration, although there are some exceptions to this rule.

These changes are designed to provide tenants with greater security and stability, giving them more time to plan and budget for their living arrangements. It is hoped that this will also help to reduce the number of tenants who find themselves forced to move frequently due to short-term tenancy agreements.

In conclusion, the changes to tenancy agreements in June 2019 represent a significant shift in the way that the rental market operates. While they are likely to be welcomed by many tenants, landlords will need to carefully navigate these new regulations in order to ensure that they are able to continue to operate in a fair and profitable manner.

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